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Newest news and videos for Black community! Stay together, like to join!
It's time for Changes in Black Community! Stay together brother let us be
together here!
President Barack Obama signed a bill Friday eliminating the offensive and
outdated descriptors, after the legislation passed unanimously in the House
and Senate earlier this month. Rep. Grace Meng (D-N.Y.) sponsored the bill,
which aimed to…
All people have to understand that the police service is exactly like a secret
gay Club, the reason being that no one knows what goes on inside there even
if it’s evident. There’s a kind of code of silence, even if you saw something or
just know…
White media used to tell what is important for whites and cover facts
important for Blacks.
A lone sniper shot 14 people and killed 5 police officers, in Dallas late
Thursday night. It was a peaceful protest against the police shootings of Alton
Sterling in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, and Philando Castile in Falcon Heights,
Minnesota. So he…
Newsblog about social injustice in the US. Join us and stay informed!